Definition of Double quasar

1. Noun. (galaxy) Two quasars which form a system, such that they gravitationally interact, or are part of the same cluster of galaxies; a binary quasar. ¹

2. Noun. (galaxy) Two quasars that appear to be paired when seen in an image, either because they orbit one another (binary quasars) or happen to be in the same line of sight even though they are separated by a great distance. ¹

¹ Source:

Lexicographical Neighbors of Double Quasar

double planets
double play
double play depth
double plays
double pleurisy
double plural
double plus good
double plus ungood
double pneumonia
double point
double possessive
double possessives
double precision
double product
double protrusion
double quasar
double quasars
double quick
double quote
double quotes
double quotidian fever
double reed
double refraction
double replacement reaction
double replacement reactions
double reverse
double rhyme
double room
double rooms
double salt

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